What is a VoV?
Who are the “Brain Workers”?
What is neuro-design?
Why have VoVs a liquid-like shape?
What is the value of a VoV?
Can I buy a VoV?
Why buying a VoV NFT if everybody can see it online?
Is a VoV an artwork or currency?
What are the values included in the VOV project?
How many unique VoVs will be created?
Can I make money with VoV?
Why and how are VoVs distributed?
How are distributed the VoVs that don't go to the Brain Workers?
Do I need to download the app to contribute to Value of values?
What is the Collectors' Period and why having a Collector's period?
How can I get a VoV if I can’t attend a VoV exhibition?
Do I need a cryptocurrency to buy VoVs?
If I don’t have a crypto wallet, where can I find one?
Who owns the VoV shape?
Who created VoV?
What is a Concept-DNA?
What are Archeo-VOVs?
What can I do with the 3D shape I created in the VOV?
What does “Speculative speculation on values” mean?
Can somebody influence the ranking of values of a certain region of the world?
How can I support “Value of Values”?
What is the relationship between the Brain Factory and VoV?
What is the “Brain to Shape” tool, can it be used for other design applications?
What is the “reification” of an abstraction or a value?
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